Welcome To AFLEET
The Department of Energy's Technology Integration Program has enlisted the expertise of Argonne to develop a tool to examine both the environmental and economic costs and benefits of alternative fuel and advanced vehicles (AFVs). Argonne developed the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation (AFLEET) Tool to help stakeholders estimate petroleum use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollutant emissions, and cost of ownership of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. AFLEET can be accessed via spreadsheet and online versions. In addition, the ATRAVEL Tool has been built using AFLEET data to examine the costs and benefits of different modes for personal travel.

AFLEET Tool (xlsx)
The AFLEET spreadsheet provides detailed energy, emission, and cost data for light-duty, heavy-duty, and off-road AFVs. It has the following 5 calculators depending on the user’s goals:
- Simple payback
- Total cost of ownership
- Fleet footprint
- Idle reduction
- Electric vehicle charging

AFLEET Online replicates three of the spreadsheet’s calculators: Payback On-Road, Payback Off-Road, and TCO with a user-friendly interface and analyzes the following metrics:
- Petroleum use
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Air pollutant emissions
- Simple payback
- Total cost of ownership

The Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator (HDVEC) is an AFLEET-based online tool that compares NOx, PM, GHGs and funding cost-effectiveness of environmental mitigation projects for the following fuel types:
- Diesel
- Electric
- Natural gas
- Propane

The ATRAVEL Tool was developed to estimate costs, travel time, and emissions of private vehicle ownership and other travel modes based on your location and travel patterns, while also providing related travel metrics at both local and regional levels. The travel modes currently included are:
- Private vehicle
- Transit
- Ridehail

The AFLEET Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Emissions Tool estimates GHG and air pollutant emissions for proposals to the FHWA’s CFI Discretionary Grant Program for the following fuel types:
- Electric
- Hydrogen
- Natural gas
- Propane